Project Services

In our information technology and telecommunications rich world change initiatives crop up in many different places across an organisation.  These change initiatives may be many single projects, or a coordinated group of projects (programs). Governing portfolios of programs or projects in large organisations is challenging, not having effective governance over a complex change portfolio is more challenging. Creed Development consultants have helped bring clarity to organisations and repeatable processes in project, program and portfolio governance.

Our customers trust Creed Development consultants to see their big picture and successfully deliver large change programs or individual projects.  We focus not only on the processes, technologies and tasks but also on successfully embedding the change as the new products, systems and required behaviours are transferred from the project to ‘business as usual’ state.

Sometimes your staff may need a helping hand in identifying or deploying better project practices and governance or you may need more assurance that your projects/programs are being well managed. Creed Development can coach your new or inexperienced project managers and/or provide independent advice in existing project steering committees or organisational change control boards.

At Creed Development we also perform health checks and project recovery services against projects and programs when you need to assess or adjust the governance or business intelligence you are getting in your project portfolio.

Many organisations can start projects, but lose their way along the path to completion.  At Creed Development we know how to set them up for success and what is required to deliver them and assess the benefits realised. We also know how hard it is when you are in the thick of planning and delivering multiple changes, to assess which change initiatives are aiming to and delivering which benefits.

The Creed Development Project Services include:

  • Project and program delivery
  • Master scheduling
  • Project and program assurance
  • Project Services coaching
  • P3M3 capability uplifts and health checks
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