Business Strategy

Creed Development offer an outsourcing solution that is arguably better value for money versus having a single employee as you access a whole team of specialists who work on different levels of your finances

Strategy Development

At Creed Development we strongly believe in developing and defining strategies for corporate growth to provide continuity and focus – a clear 'roadmap' for the way ahead!

Strategy Monitoring

We periodically review the effectiveness of each business strategy with our clients and work with them to identify and implement improvements on an ongoing basis. The input and support of our clients’ accountants is also critical so that the strategies fit with the clients’ taxation and wealth creation strategies.

Process Improvement

Our small business consultants evaluate all internal procedures to affect appropriate cost efficiencies and improved profitability in your business – be it big or small. By paying close attention to your business strategy, special attention is given to the evaluation of businesses financial structures and facilities

Financial Structure & Financial Performance

We focus on improving our clients’ knowledge of the key financial drivers of their business, therefore enabling them to make more informed and timely decisions about their future. Our strategy consultants enjoy strong relationships with all major Financiers to ensure facilities match all needs at hand. We also develop customised financial proposals and provide full guidance and support in negotiations with financiers.

Business Rescue

Creed Development has a proven record of success in helping businesses who are in need of emergency financial management.

Even businesses on the brink of formal administration can be carefully managed back to health with our timely intervention and proven systems. We see challenges not insurmountable problems! Often this is our first action for clients get them out of trouble before we move onto long term growth. Creed Development is able to respond to these emergency situations so if your business is in struggling - don't liquidate call Creed Development first.

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